Basics of Java


“ Variable is a name of memory location “ 

int data=123; 
Variable is a symbolic name refer to a memory location used to store values that can change during the execution of a program. 
   int a = 10; 
Here, int = data type 
          a = identifier 
         10 = literal 
● There are three types of variables in java: local, instance and static.

1) Local Variable 
A variable which is declared inside the method is called local variable.

2) Instance Variable
A variable which is declared inside the class but outside the method, is called instance variable . It is not declared as static.

3) Static variable 
A variable that is declared as static is called static variable. It cannot be local.


  class A    
int data=50;//instance variable      
static int m=100;//static variable      
void method() 
int n=90;//local variable      

Data Types:-

● There are two types of data types in java: primitive and non-primitive. 
● Primitive data types are the basic blocks of any programming language. 
● It can have only one value at a time.

Data Types:- 

● Non primitive data types are also referred to as derived types. 
● Java supports  non primitive data types classes, interfaces, and arrays.


● Are names assigned to variables,  methods,constant,classes,packages and interfaces. 
● No limit has been specified for length. 
● Rules: 
    1. first letter must be a letter,underscore,dollar sign 
    2. subsequent can be letter,underscore,dollar,digit 
    3. white space is not allowed 
    4. identifiers are case sensitive 
    5. don't use keywords. 

Naming Convention:-

● Class or Interface Identifiers 
– Must begin with a capital letter. 
– First alphabet of internal word should also be capitalized. 
– Example: 
    ● public class MyClass 
    ● public class Employee 

● Variable or Method Identifiers 
– Must begin with a small case letter. 
– First alphabet of internal word should also be capitalized. 
– Example: 
   ● int myNumber

● Constant Identifiers 
– Must be specified in upper case. 
– _ is used to separate internal words. 
– Example: 
      ● final double RATE = 2.6 

● Package Identifiers 
– Must be specified in small case letters. 
– Example: 
     ● Package mypackage.subpackage.x;


● Are predefined identifiers meant for specific purpose. 
● Reserve words 
● All keywords are in lower case. 
   Ex: case,catch,if,float,int,package,while,do,long


● Is a value that  can be passed to a variable or constant in a program. 
● Numeric : binary,octal(0-7,017),hexa 
● Boolean: 0’s and 1’s 
● Character : enclosed with quotes 
● String : zero or more characters 
● Null : assigned to object reference variable

● Using one or more operands 
● Unary operator(+) 
● Binary operator(/) 
● Ternary operator(?:)

Assignment/Arithmetic operator
● Sets the value of a variable to some new value. 
● Right to left associativity 
● a=b=0 
● Ex: +=,-=,|= 
● a+=b

Relational operator
● Java return either true or false
● Equal to == 
● Not equal to != 
● Less than < 
● Greater than > 
● Less than or equal to <= 
● Greater than or equal to >=

Boolean logical operators
● Conditional OR || 
● Conditional AND && 
● Logical OR |(TRUE: one is true) 
● Logical AND &(FALSE: one is false) 
● Logical XOR ^(FALSE: T & T) 
● Unary logical NOT ! Ex: bolean a=true; bolean b=false;

To Next Artical We Discuss About Joption Pan Class With Details And example...

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