NASA Found Earth Like Planets(Aliens)

Image result for Earth Like Planets

one day the earth will be destroyed completely where will you go how will you survive well don't worry because we humans found some new earth-like planets as a back-up plan where we can live or at least be able to survive

10). Kepler 438b:-

Image result for Kepler 438b

 The exoplanets Kepler 438B was first discovered in 2015 and located 470 light-years away Kepler 438B was deemed one of the most earth-like planets ever discovered due to its Earth's similarity index or ESI which is 88% similar to earth hence making it a suitable candidate for the potential of life kepler-438 b is just 12% larger and receives 40% more light compared to the earth but still it's missing some necessary qualities for habitation such as it doesn't have a proper atmosphere and the planets nearby star emits flares 10 times more powerful than our Sun this planet might be the second option if it has a magnetic field like our planet


 Image result for Kepler 452b

kepler-452b was first discovered in july 2015 which is an exoplanet and also known as super earth moreover kepler-452b is around five times the mass of Earth it completes a full orbit in 385 days but due to its large size it also has twice the gravity compared to earth and receives more sun energy making it hotter than Earth but still it's a good candidate for hosting life if we're ever able to reach kepler 452b unfortunately the planet is 45,000 light-years away which means if we travel in a spaceship at a speed of 37,000 miles per hour then 26 million years is needed to get there well then cryogenic preservation and age reversing agents will be mandatory requirements for this journey although four or five to be mirrors earth but it is highly susceptible to the greenhouse effect so it could become a giant ball of hot death by the time we arrive there. Be careful!

8).Proxima B:-

Image result for Proxima B

Proxima beat is an exoplanet which is 4.2 light years away from the earth and first discovered in August 2016 Proxima B orbits the habitable zone of a red dwarf star named Proxima Centauri and has the potential for survivable living conditions due to the presence of water this exoplanet is actually 30% bigger than the earth and its one-year is equal to 11 days which means you'll be having birthday parties a lot more often so many birthday gifts although it has an earth similarities index or ESI of 0.87 still it has some significant downsides such as it receives only 2% of light from its nearby Sun and there are violent stellar winds that are 2,000 times stronger than those on earth.

7). kepler 186f:-

Image result for 7). kepler 186f

kepler-186f is an exoplanet discovered by the Kepler space observatory in April 2014 this rocky planet orbits near the outer rim of its Sun habitable zone and nearly ten percent bigger than Earth and almost has similar radius but it is 500 light-years away from us and it's one year consists of a total of 130 days having an earth similarity index of 0.61 and only receives 33% of sunlight compared to earth that means its brightest day will be similar to evening time on the earth kepler 186f rotates a much more slowly than Earth so it's day could be weeks or months long 186f may be tidally locked which means one side of the planet is always facing its star and the other is in constant darkness the gravity on kepler 186f could be very similar to Earth's and there is some possibility that it has an atmosphere that can help keep the water in liquid form that's why scientists have described kepler 186f as a cousin to earth.


Image result for kepler-62f

This planet is also known as super earth and discovered in April 2013 kepler-62f is situated in the habitable zone of a seven billion year old star 62f has Earth's similarity index of 0.67 and is 1.4 times of Earth having slightly smaller and cooler than our Sun unfortunately this rocky planet is earth like Waterworld which contains oceans are at least ice in either case this planet is an excellent candidate for alien life and feasible for hosting human life 62f takes 267 days to complete a full orbit around its Sun and receives 41% of the sunlight compared to earth however the planet might be tidally locked in orbit which means one side facing the hot Sun while the other will be in complete darkness so humans can only survive at the border between light and dark area where the temperature is suitable to support life.

5).Bly 667cc:-

Image result for Bly 667cc

This planet is Mars's cousin and you can see all of the suns in fact it's a part of the upper mentioned 3 star system which is 23.62 light-years away from us it's three point eight times the size of Earth has a rocky surface and it has 85% similarity to earth it's on the slightly hot edge of the habitable zone with tem10). Kepler 438bperatures ranging in 250 4.3 Kelvin or negative 18 point 8 degrees Celsius and it receives the 90% of the light of Earth one side is completely shrouded in eternal darkness while the other is continuously facing towards the red dwarf it's believed that between these hemispheres there is a probable chance to get an area of suitable temperature that will support human life.

4). Kepler 62e:-

Image result for Kepler 62e

it's 1.6 times larger than Earth has a rocky surface with the high probability of water and may be covered with oceans it's 1 year is 122 days long and 1,200 light-years away from us just a side note all planets in this list are larger than Earth and that's why they are called super Earths which means they are larger than our planet would have similar characteristics that an exoplanet has cloudy sky warm and humid everywhere other than the polar caps and its stellar flux is 20% more than earth enough to trigger a runway greenhouse effect which can decrease the chance of habitability.

3).lies 58 1g gleise 581g:-
 Image result for lies 58 1g gliese 581g

is also known as zarmeeneh which is 20 light years away from Earth discovered by astronomer Steve invoked in 2010 it's one year lasts for 67 days but unfortunately this planet is tidally locked with the Sun if a strong atmosphere exists on the planet it could circulate the heat from the sunny side over to the dark side making it much more habitable hence it is possible for water to exist there with at least one ocean gleise 581g is 1.5 times the size of Earth having temperatures between negative 35 and 10 degrees Fahrenheit due to the weaker energy output from its small Sun all these features increase the chances of life on 581 G up to 100% which is an extremely optimistic presumption .

2). Kepler 22b:-
Image result for Kepler 22b


Kepler 22b is an exoplanet that orbits in the inner edge of the sun's habitable zone which is 600 light-years away from us and discovered in December 2011 Kepler 22b is twice the size of Earth and has a year of 290 days with a temperature of negative 11 degrees Celsius in the worst case while 22 degrees Celsius in the best case so it's reasonable for Humanity to survive here but it won't be a similar experience to earth 22 B's outer shell is likely to be composed mostly of either liquid or gas and the most optimistic estimate is that it's liquid water combined with the greenhouse effected atmosphere it likely keeps the planet at suitable temperatures if something happens to earth this water rich planet is the place where we will probably move to because it's a prime contender for our next home world when we arrived there in the future there is a high possibility that10). Kepler 438b we will be encountered by a lot of possible alien lives that may have evolved in the outer liquid layer

1).Mars :-

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okay you knew this honestly speaking we humans have limited time and limited technology to find a suitable home planet that is far away from us it makes sense to look next door Mars could be the next permanent home for us and we may be able to see it happen in our lifetime definitely this red planet could be a great candidate for life with its ancient water rich soil sufficient amount of sunlight and a similar day length that is only 40 minutes longer than Earth Mars gravity is 38% weaker compared to the earth but still within the acceptable range for us to survive there are high chances to successfully tear for Mars because of its thin atmosphere that already protects the planet from the sun's radiation could hold oxygen and become breathable companies like SpaceX are currently training teams of astronaut settlers for colonizing Mars with the first group blasting off in 2031 we could literally see homes on Mars in our very near future.

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