Top 10 Aliens Scariest Movie

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 you ugly we would not want to make first contact with these extraterrestrials welcome to and today we'll be counting down our picks for the top 10 scariest alien

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races in film please be advised the following clip contains mature content you have been warned.

10).The blob the blob

Image result for The blob the blob

picking off our list is the gelatinous alien entity that is brought to earth inside a meteorite feeding on whatever life forms it encounters it's able to get around obstacles by using through any opening

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 it can find its only vulnerability freezing temperatures make it solidify admit it the idea of getting chemically devoured ranks pretty high on the piss your pants on meter

9). Bio Raptors pitch black
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 these aggressive carnivorous beasts are the top predators on their desert planet since this alien race is photophobic the light is their only weakness so they swarm out of the ground during periods of complete darkness sounds exploitable but these flight enabled armored beasts can spot you in the dark with echolocation overpower you by sheer numbers and are happy to wait for the perfect moment to strike

8).killer klowns killer klowns 

Image result for killer klowns killer klowns

 from outer space great just what we need an evil alien race that resembles our other ultimate fear clowns these demonic extraterrestrials are nothing to laugh at as they visit earth in order to capture harvest and devour humans but they don't just rely on their teeth they also make use of a variety of terrifying and outright sadistic weaponry like cotton candy guns and shadow puppets

 7).Hot people invasion of the Body Snatchers

Image result for Hot people invasion of the Body Snatchers

Oh officer I would like to report four bodies in my backyard you all night how do you know my name hang out Matthew I didn't tell you my name hang up I didn't tell them my name this nomadic parasitic alien race left their dying world in spores carried by solar winds in order to discover and consume the resources of other planets including earth with the end goal of causing the extinction of the human race they spawn emotionless replicas of their prey which horrific Lee involves disintegrating their victims into dust but what scares us the most is the yell

6).The arachnids Starship Troopers
Image result for The arachnids Starship Troopers

these interstellar bugs from the planet clin gasps ooh take our fear of creepy crawlies to the next level unfortunately all the ammo in the world doesn't seem to do much good due to their armored exoskeletons ability to tunnel underground and sheer numbers they can do worse than stab or slice you to death they'll also bring you to their leader which is an insect that feeds on brains

5).Martians War of the Worlds

Image result for Martians War of the Worlds

an octopus like race from the planet Mars these aliens use their technological superiority to man giant tripod weapon platforms this terrifyingly unfeeling group has arrived to claim earth's resources use human blood as nourishment and to terraform earth into a new red planet literally one thing's for sure that fog horn siren is bone-chilling especially once you know that it's followed by human vaporization

4).The Borg star trek first contact
Image result for The Borg star trek first contact

we are the Borg lower your shields and surrounding your ships we will add to a biological and technological distinctiveness to our own your culture will adapt to services resistance is futile the Borg is an alien race of cyborgs that assimilate all other ethnicities into their collective instead of killing you they erase any sense of individuality to transform you into a cyborg drone who will then in turn do the same to others when you put it that way it might be better to get eaten than to have your mind taken over and your body parts replaced with technology fresh in 45 seconds

3).The predator

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 predator this aptly named alien species only cares about the thrill of the hunt and collecting skulls as trophies in search of the perfect game they use incredibly cruel traps plasma rifles thermal vision active camouflage and glades to eviscerate their prey physically imposing and completely without remorse these creatures will skin you alive and pull out your spinal cord before you can escape oh it's all right I'm a cop I don't think he gives a shit

2).The Thing

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the thing this shape-shifting parasitic alien life-form combines the elements we fear most about the blog and the pod people it can assimilate any life-form at the cellular level to adapt to new environments not only does this monster consume you it also deceives everyone using your face and knowledge why is it number two because it works at an explosive pace also that horrific spider head you've gotta be kidding

1).Xenomorphs alien quadrilogy

Image result for Xenomorphs alien quadrilogy

taking the top spot on our list are the perfect killing machines with twin jaws several dozen teeth acid blood an armored exoskeleton and a blade tip tail the xenos are born to victims unfortunate enough to be impregnated by a facehugger rape illusions aside these beasts are relentless unfeeling and capable of quickly scaling any surface perfect localism you think they're bad just check out their queen do you agree with our list which aliens would make you crap your pants if you ever met face to face.

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